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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cool Umbrellas

Clock Parasol

Japanese designer has designed a parasol with a built in sun dial to be read from underneath. One rotates the umbrella and the handle mounted compass to find magnetic north, correctly orienting the inside graphics. Based on the curvature of the earth,the sun lights the umbrella from the back and is allowed to mark the approximate time

Wheel & Seal

Terrible weather can make anyone easily depressed. For this reason, Taiwanese designers have created “wheel” and “seal” umbrellas for children. First design features wheels that leave impressions of smiley faces on the floor using puddles left over from the rain. An alternative version titled “seal umbrella” stamps wet smiley faces on the pavement

Sky Umbrella

Humor and surprise are two of the designer Tibor Kalman’s hallmarks, as witnessed by this view of a blue sky on a most probably gray day. MoMA’s witty umbrella with an eternally cheerful sky is known and enjoyed throughout the world

Google Umbrella

For all you detectives out there! Spies and scuba divers alike will appreciate the secret, goggle-shaped window umbrella


This merger of two umbrellas eliminates the jockeying for position that occurs when two people compete for adequate coverage underneath a typical umbrella.

Water Gun Umbrella

This unique, funnel shaped umbrella harnesses the flow of rainwater down into its handle, a water pistol. The user can fire at will, maintaining a constant flow of water as long as rain continues to fall! 

Cup Holder Umbrella

A handle will let one hold a paper cup or a coffee cup while holding onto the umbrella

Backpack Umbrella

An umbrella that is worn on the back, providing rain and sun protection while keeping the hands free

Umbrellas for The Civil but Discontent Man

umbrellas for the Civil but Discontent Man combines a symbol of gentlemanly refinement – the full-sized, dark umbrella – with an element of more manly sword-bearing times. The umbrellas offer brief psychological respite from the dictates of social amiability; aggressive fantasies are allowed and encouraged on the daily commute to the office. The effete civilian’s grasp of the handle takes him into the world of the masterful samurai, the medieval barbarian, or the triumphant cavalryman


This inverted bumbershoot forms a waterproof cocoon around a small dog, enabling canine and master to maintain a walking regimen in inclement weather

Full Body Umbrella

The only umbrella that will keep you 100% dry

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